Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Rx fix. I need my Rx.

Rx Fix

So it was about that time, it had been a full six days without my prescription and i needed it bad! I waited in the drive-thru (for 18min to be exact), for the 20 year old, green eye shadow to match her green pen ( i guess) pharmacy tech, to tell me your prescription will be ready at 3:45. I glance over at my radio to see what time it is and it is four hours until then! How does Miss green eye shadow to match her green pen pharm tech say that with a straight face?... Gottta love her!

its 3:45 sharp. I decide that waiting in the drive- thru line and having to listen to Beyonce sing --- if you likedit then you shudda put a ring on it--- one more time just might set me over the edge, so i park and go inside. i head straight to the back all the way to the right and see the horrific line.

I have made it this far, i cant turn around now. I stand in line too.(with the absolute perfect pose i may add). WHAT? okay okay, i was wearing - a dark navy, high waisted tulip skirt, turquoise boat neck long sleeve fitted top, black tights and my most fave 3inch suede heels, hot right? and then...
My prescription is waiting for me, i can see it behind the counter, oh sooo close. As i remain in perfect pose position i can feel someone coming from behind me. he's getting closer and the stare is feeling heavier, closer, heavier and closer and now we meet eyes. its an older man, fleece vest and he has the old man cool guy shades in full effect... you know, the kind where THEY think you cant see their eyes therefor they totally undress you behind them? yeah those kind. after checking out his gear and assessing who was totally checking me out... I realize it is my best friend from high schools' Dad! What! and then...

until next time at the pharmacy line, but for now, i have my Rx and I'm off to another promised month of being baby free.

Miss Me

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